
Curriculum Vitae, Jesper Simonsen

1. Personal Information
2. Current Positions and Memberships
3. Education
4. Work Experience
5. Establishing, Consolidating, and Managing Research Initiatives
6. International Research Cooperation

1. Personal Information

Born July 22, 1961 in Søborg, Denmark.
Nationality: Danish.
Married in Michigan July 22, 1995 to Kristen René Hershberger.
Two sons, Thomas René Simonsen, born August 9, 1999 and Peter René Simonsen, born March 14, 2001.

Work Contact Information:

Professor of Participatory Design, Ph.D.
Research Group: Sustainable Digitalization
Department: People and Technology
Roskilde University (RUC)
University Street 1, Building 10.1
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Phone: +45 2044 0338
URL, private:
URL, University:

Private Address:

Degnehusene 26
DK-2620 Albertslund, Denmark

2. Current Positions and Memberships

3. Education

2010-2013: Training program in academic-personal competence offered by Sensethic [Sensetik 4-årig fagpersonlig efteruddannelse]. Certificate [in Danish].

2013: Couse in supervising colleagues [kollegial supervision]. Certificate [in Danish].

2013: Couse in supervising assistant professors [adjunktvejledning]. Certificate [in Danish].

1998: Pedagogy course for assistant professors [pædagogisk adjunktuddannelse]

1994: Ph.D. in Computer Science, Roskilde University.

1989: M.Sc. in Computer Science and Communication, Roskilde University.

1988: B.Sc. in Computer Science, Roskilde University.

4. Work Experience

2014-: Professor of Participatory Design, Roskilde University.

2009-2013: Professor, MSO, of Design Studies, Roskilde University.

2009-2009: Associate Professor, MSK, Roskilde University.

1998-2009: Associate Professor, Roskilde University, Computer Science.

1994-1998: Assistant Professor, Roskilde University, Computer Science.

1991-1994: Research Fellow, Roskilde University, Computer Science.

1989-1991: Systems Designer and Project Manager, Dansk Data Elektronik A/S.

1986-1989: Teaching Assistant (part-time), Roskilde University, Computer Science.

1984-1986: Systems Programmer (part-time), Arbejdstilsynet.

1981-1982: Soldier.

5. Establishing, Consolidating, and Managing Research Initiatives
Note: All amounts in externally funded net research grants as net revenue for the university.

I have participated in establishing, consolidating and managing 6 large research initiatives within which I have established and managed more than 20 research projects.

2005-(ongoing): EDIT Program
Research program co-funded by CSC Scandihealth A/S, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Region Zealand and Region South Denmark.

Focus: to investigate how the effects of the use of a system could play a prominent role in the contractual definition of IT design projects and how contract fulfilment could be determined on the basis of proven utility value and measured effects. The idea of effects-driven IT development is generally applicable to all large-scale IT design projects but is in this project primarily investigated in the context of healthcare systems.

Funding: 8.3 million kr. from Bispebjerg Hospital, Region Zealand, Region South Denmark, Vækstforum Zealand, Vækstforum Norway, Imatis A/S, CSC Scandihealt A/S, KMD A/S and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.

Researchers: 2 senior researchers from RUC and KU and in total 9 Ph.D. students.

Partners: KMD A/S, CSC Scandihealth A/S, Imatis A/S, Hospitals and IT units within the Zealand, South Denmark, North Denmark, and the Capital Regions of Denmark, health care centres and municipalities in Denmark.

2012-2016: Designing Human Technologies –
Strategic Research Initiative supporting Roskilde University’s new Humanities and Technology bachelor programme (‘HumTek’). Designing Human Technologies is a design-oriented research area; it undertakes a broad definition of the concept of technology; and has as the basic human principle that users, target groups, and other central stakeholders must participate in the design and the design process, in ethical and society-related concerns, and in evaluating how designs fulfill needs and solve problems.

Focus: The research initiative addresses three issues/themes: (1) Development and design of socio-technical systems; (2) Aesthetics, experience and learning; (3) Design as a scientific method.

Funding: 4.5 million kr. (internal funding) from Roskilde University and the CBIT and ENSPAC Departments. External funding from collaborating partners.

Researchers: 75 researchers as well as Ph.D.s and administrative staff from the CBIT, ENSPAC, ISG, and PAES Departments at Roskilde University.

Partners: Various public institutions and private-sector enterprises.
2008-2010: SourceIT Program
Innovation consortium co-funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.

Focus: How companies can be highly innovative and combine appropriate degrees of in- and outsourcing. EDIT is a central part of SourceIT by investigating partnership-sourcing: How can a partnership be organised between customer and vendor in order to achieve an optimal combination of in- and outsourcing? The purpose is to develop a contract model for effects-driven IT development including an optimal organisation of ongoing configuration of large systems in a customer-vendor relation.

Funding: 3.3 million kr. from The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Researchers: 6 senior researchers and consultants from an approved technology service institute.

Partners: CSC Scandihealth A/S, PBS A/S, Danske Bank A/S, DELTA

2004-2007: HIT Program
Research program co-funded by the Danish Research Council's Program on Information Technology

Focus: IT-supported communication, coordination, and knowledge sharing in the healthcare domain. Purpose: To develop conceptual frameworks, design principles, prototypes, contract models, and methods to support the design, implementation, and use of collaborative healthcare information systems.

Funding: 2.0 million kr. research grant from the Danish Research Council

Researchers: 9 senior researchers from RUC, ITU, and DTU as well as 6 Ph.D. students.

Partners: CSC Scandihealth A/S, Hospitals and EPR units within the Zealand and the Capital Regions of Denmark, Københavns Kommunes Sundhedsforvaltning,, Acure A/S.

1999-2003: DIWA Program
Research program co-funded by the Danish Research Council.

Focus: Design, management, and use of interactive web-based IT in distributed organisational settings. Purpose: To examine how web-based IT will change IS development and use as well as to develop conceptual frameworks and guidelines to support the practice of designing and managing web-based IT.

Funding: 6.9 million kr. research grant from the Danish Research Council

Researchers: 8 senior researchers from RUC, ITU, DTU, and KU as well as 8 Ph.D. students.

Partners: Nordea A/S, Bombardier Transportation A/S, Net bureauet A/S, Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Nordisk IT A/S, Statens Information.

1991-2000: MUST Program
Research program co-funded by the Centre of Information Technology and participating industries.

Focus: Participatory design, project management, strategic alignment, and ethnographically inspired techniques. Purpose: To develop a method based on sensible, general, and workable guidelines for the introduction of new IT into an organization.

Funding: 2.9 million kr. research grant from the Centre of Information Technology; 0.2 million kr. research grant from the Danish Radio Corporation; 0.1 million kr. research grant from the Danish Film Institute.

Researchers: 3 senior researchers from RUC.

Partners: WM-data Consulting A/S, The Danish Broadcasting Corporation, The Danish Film Institute, Stanford University, The Community of Copenhagen Hospitals, an American airline, an American research centre, a multinational pharmaceutical company.

6. International Research Cooperation

2020: Doctoral Colloquium chair and Program Committee member, PDC'2020

2019: Member of the advisory board of Digital Transformation and Lifelong Learning, Tallinn University, Estonia

2018: Keynote Speaker, SHI'2018

2018: Special Advisor and Program Committee member, PDC'2018

2017: Program Committee member, Infrahealth2017

2016: Special Advisor and Program Committee member, PDC'2016

2015: Chair, PDC Advisory Board

2015: Program Committee member, SCIS'2015

2015: Program Committee member, Infrahealth2015

2015-2016: Member, editorial board, Special Issue on the Health Informatics Journal Infrastructures for healthcare (IHC): Patient-centred Care and Patient-generated Data

2014-: Editorial Board member, Health Informatics Journal

2014: Keynote speaker, IRIS 37/SCIS 5

2014: Program Committee member, PDC'2014

2013: Program Committee member, InfraHealth'2013

2012: General Conference Chair, PDC'2012

2012: Associate editor for the ECIS'2012 track "Public sector ICT"

2012: Program Committee member, InfraHealth'2012

2011: Keynote speaker, EuroSPI'2011

2011: Program committee member, SCIS'2011

2011: Program Committee member, InfraHealth'2011

2010: Keynote speaker, ITHC'2010

2010: Program committee member, 11th biannual Conference on Participatory Design, PDC'2010

2010: Program committee member, First Scandinavian Conference of IS, SCIS 2010

2009-2011: President of the Executive Board of the IRIS Association, the Scandinavian Chapter of AIS.

2009-2010: Associate Editor of Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal

2009: Programme committee member of the ACM GROUP 2009 Conference.

2009: Program committee member for the second International Workshop on Infrastructures for Health Care.

2008-2009: Principal Investigator, PODES-UNIK application from Roskilde University.

2008-2009: Treasurer of the Executive Board of the IRIS Association, the Scandinavian Chapter of AIS.

2008: Associate Editor of Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal.

2008: Member and Treasurer of the Executive Board of the IRIS Association, the Scandinavian Chapter of AIS.

2008: Program chair for the 10th biannual Conference on Participatory Design

2006: Chair for the doctorial consortium at the 9th biannual Conference on Participatory Design.

2006: Member of the program committee for the 9th biannual Conference on Participatory Design.

2004-: Advisory Board member of Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems.

2004: Invited as panel discussant at the 3rd Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2002: Organiser of the 25th. IRIS conference: New Ways of Working in IS, Bautahøj, Denmark.

2000-2001: Organising international book published by MIT press (Social Thinking - Software Practice), by invitation from Professor Christiane Floyd.

1999: Organiser of the conference Social Thinking - Software Practice: Approaches Relating Software Development, Work, and Organizational Change, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany.

1998-2004: Editorial Board member of Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems.

1996: Seminar speaker, University of Michigan, Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work (CREW), invited by Professor Gary Olson.

1995-1996: Invited speaker and participant, Workshops on Software Cultures, Vienna, Austria, May (1995) and May (1996), invited by Professor Ina Wagner.

1993: Visitor and contractor (Mar.-Nov.), Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre, invited by Area Manager Lucy Suchman.

1993: Seminar speaker, University of California Irvine, Information and Computer Science, invited by Professor Rob Kling.

1993: Visiting Scholar (Jan.-Dec.), Stanford University, Centre for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), invited by Professor Terry Winograd.
