HIT Program (2004-2007)
HIT web site
The Healthcare IT (HIT) program was initially supported by the Danish Research Council's Program with a 2 million kr. research grant. The participants include 9 Danish senior researchers and 6 Ph.D. students from The Computer Science Department at RUC (hosting 3 seniors and 3 Ph.Ds), The Danish Technical University, and The IT University of Copenhagen. The focus area is IT-supported communication, coordination, and knowledge sharing in the health care domain. The purpose of the program is to develop conceptual frameworks, design principles, prototypes, contract models, and methods to support the design, implementation, and use of collaborative healthcare IT based on analyses of existing systems and empirical studies of development practices. My empirical work in the HIT program is focused on design, development, and implementation of EPR systems through an effects-driven IT development approach.