Participatory Design, Electronic Patient Records, and Effects-Driven IT Development
See movie: Danish Youtube version
See movie: English Youtube version
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This is a documentary movie based on a Participatory Design (PD) project with an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system. The project represents a breakthrough for PD engagement in large-scale EPR systems within the Danish public sector:
The project was conducted by Computer Science, Roskilde University, in close collaboration with CSC Scandihealth, Roskilde County EPR Unit, and N61 the Neurological Stroke Unit, treating acute apoplexy at the Roskilde County Hospital in Denmark.
Danish version: Running time: 25 minutes
English version: English speak and subtitles. Running time: 23 minutes.
Produced through a close collaboration between Computer Science, Roskilde University, CSC Scandihealth, and Roskilde County Hospital. Sponsored by CSC Scandihealth. Filmed by TV-Køge.
See also:
3.25 Simonsen, J and M. Hertzum (2008): "Participatory Design and the Challenges of Large-Scale Systems: Extending the Iterative PD Approach", in Simonsen, J., T. Robinson, and D. Hakken (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th anniversary conference on Participatory Design: Experiences and Challenges, September 30 October 4, 2008, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, ACM press, 2008, pp. 1-10.
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2.11 Hertzum, M. and J. Simonsen (2008): "Positive effects of electronic patient records on three clinical activities", International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 77, No. 12, pp. 809-817, doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2008.03.006.
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7.51 EPJ-enheden - Roskilde Amt (Ivan Lund Pedersen, Rikke Kragh Iversen, Bente Mols Madsen), CSC Scandihealth A/S (John Møller-Jensen), Roskilde Universitetscenter/Datalogi (Jesper Simonsen, Morten Hertzum) (2006): Erfaringsrapport: Klinisk proces projekt, Maj 2006.
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