
Participatory Design, Electronic Patient Records, and Effects-Driven IT Development

See movie: Danish Youtube version
See movie: English Youtube version

Original DVD is on request distributed for free: Just send me an email!

This is a documentary movie based on a Participatory Design (PD) project with an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system. The project represents a breakthrough for PD engagement in large-scale EPR systems within the Danish public sector:

The project was conducted by Computer Science, Roskilde University, in close collaboration with CSC Scandihealth, Roskilde County EPR Unit, and N61 – the Neurological Stroke Unit, treating acute apoplexy at the Roskilde County Hospital in Denmark.

Danish version: Running time: 25 minutes

English version: English speak and subtitles. Running time: 23 minutes.

Produced through a close collaboration between Computer Science, Roskilde University, CSC Scandihealth, and Roskilde County Hospital. Sponsored by CSC Scandihealth. Filmed by TV-Køge.

See also:

3.25 Simonsen, J and M. Hertzum (2008): "Participatory Design and the Challenges of Large-Scale Systems: Extending the Iterative PD Approach", in Simonsen, J., T. Robinson, and D. Hakken (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th anniversary conference on Participatory Design: Experiences and Challenges, September 30 – October 4, 2008, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, ACM press, 2008, pp. 1-10.
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2.11 Hertzum, M. and J. Simonsen (2008): "Positive effects of electronic patient records on three clinical activities", International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 77, No. 12, pp. 809-817, doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2008.03.006.
   Full text

7.51 EPJ-enheden - Roskilde Amt (Ivan Lund Pedersen, Rikke Kragh Iversen, Bente Mols Madsen), CSC Scandihealth A/S (John Møller-Jensen), Roskilde Universitetscenter/Datalogi (Jesper Simonsen, Morten Hertzum) (2006): Erfaringsrapport: Klinisk proces projekt, Maj 2006.
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