7.54 Simonsen, J. (2006): Reconfiguring Cooperative Work by Visualizing EPR on Large Projected Screens, Paper presented at the PDC 2006 workshop on: Reconfiguring Healthcare: Issues in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Healthcare Environments. Participatory Design Conference, Trento, Italy, August 1-5, 2006 (PDC 2006).


This workshop paper reports on a recently completed large scale PD experiment where paperbased patient records were replaced with an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system at Roskilde Hospital in Denmark. The use of large projected screens led to an interesting reconfiguration of the cooperative work among the clinicians. During the nursing handovers and the team conferences, we observed collective investigations of the patient records – this was not observed when using paperbased patient records. The nurses also managed to change the screen for the team conference in order to make their observations more visible – in this way they managed to change the power balance between nurse and physician.