3.30 Fleron, B., R. Rasmussen, J. Simonsen, and M. Hertzum (2012): “User Participation in Implementation”, in K. Halskov, O.S. Iversen, M. Büscher, J. Simonsen, and K. Bødker (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th biennial Participatory Design Conference, PDC 2012, Roskilde, Denmark, August 12-16, 2012: Embracing New Territories of Participation, Volume 2: Exploratory Papers, Workshop Descriptions, Industry Cases, Vol. 2, ACM, , pp. 61-64.


Systems development has been claimed to benefit from user participation, yet user participation in implementa- tion activities may be more common and is a growing focus of participatory-design work. We investigate the effect of the extensive user participation in the implementation of a clinical system by empirically analyzing how management, participating staff, and non-participating staff view the implementation process with respect to areas that have previously been linked to user participation such as system quality, emergent interactions, and psychological buy-in. The participating staff experienced more uncertainty and frustration than management and non-participating staff, especially concerning how to run an implementation process and how to understand and utilize the configuration possibilities of the system. This suggests that user participation in implementation introduces a need for new competences. Our results also emphasize the importance of access to fellow colleagues with relevant experience in implementing systems.

Keywords: User participation, Organizational implementation.